an official photo blog of eBEREA

an official photo blog of eBEREA

Saturday, July 30, 2011

eBEREA in Xi'an 2011

For the first time time we had all eBEREA member universities - old and new ones - present at the eBEREA meeting and workshop. The workshop was a success and all the presentations are available from web page of the 2nd eBEREA Forum

prof. Xianfeng Zhang did great job in hosting the meetings.

prof Chris Westland, the first eBEREA advisor
Also the dean of XJTU took part in photo taking.
profs. Andrea Molinari and Harry Bouwman

profs. Christer Carlsson and Jups

eBEREA meeting followed the 2nd eBEREA Forum

We also enjoyed the Chinese dining
Did some sightseeing

And had some exercise in the city...

And in the forest.